It was off to Windsor to visit the Queen who was there for her Summer vacation, after my final exam.

10:45 am: Just arrived in school...took me 20 mins to walk from my Hall of Residence at Rosebery Avenue.
LSE Campus: I am so gonna miss this place...well, I hope to pursue my masters here at the LSE, hopefully in Politics and International Relations.
11 - 12am: Tutorial (also known as class at the LSE):
Here you find my tutor Ms. Annika Bolten...she is currently pursuing a PhD (very soon; Dr. Annika Bolten), and she was once a student at the LSE. I like her...firstly, she is inspirational, secondly, she is intellectual, and last but not the least, she is tall!....The aforementioned are qualities I look for in a mate!
Enough said....well, she is really dedicated and she goes the extra mile for us, i guess that explains why I managed an 'A' grade and am in the top 10 placing of all who did the mid-term exam in my IPE course of 60 ++ students. And, I hope to repeat that success and earn for myself a Certificate of Distinction! 12 - 2pm: Lunch break:
We wine and dined at some Italian Ristorante... the food was amazing, and the ambience perfecto! Company?...well, priceless with this bunch. From left: Soni (British), Nico (Dutch), Ryan (American), Me!...SINGAPOREAN and proud! After lunch, we chatted and debated over the issue of excess comsumption, no thanks to the end, I inspired Nico (right) to have a debate with the waiter on sending leftover food to Africa instead of throwing it away!
2 - 5pm: International Political Economy Lecture:
Dr Andrew Walter my lecturer... very focused and precise! He is a good man. No doubt, having lecture after lunch can be a sleepy affair, no thanks to the post-lunch syndrome, we keep ourselves awake with a caffeine fix! And yes, i am a model student, always sitting in front and trying to be as attentive as possible. Today, we talked about the EMU...or the European Monetary Union in the global political economy. My take?...interesting lecture! It sure broadened my horizon. Lecture break at every 1 hr interval...we break for 10 mins each time. Off to Nero or Pret's to get ice - coffee!
5- 8 pm: The LSE Library:
The British Library of Political and Economics Science (official name)...I like it here, it is huge...the world's biggest library for the Social Sciences (Politics, Sociology, Economics...), yet, one is able to find a nice and quiet spot to (gently) hit the books! I spend at least 3 hrs here on certain days...especially, when exam time is nearing!
8 pm: Dinner: Ordered Fish (without Chips) today...British style, I had a Haddock drizzled with vinegar, it was mouth-watering!
9pm - beyond: ... Hall Sweet Hall... Shower, Read my text-book, then ZZZ......
My exam is in 2 days time...wish me luck, I hope to ace it again...gonna start mugging!A toast to me!
The cosmopolitan gang of 8...China, Indonesia, America x2, Great Britain x2, Holland, and me Singapore!
Soni and I...You rock! Thanks for the fabulous surprise!
Me and my Tagitalle with King prawns...see my text book?
My cute little birthday cake of a baby caterpillar with M&Ms...
Me and my birthday cake, i could not bear to eat the baby caterpillar's head! White choc, amazing...but, i did not!
We had some nice white wine to go with pizza and pasta...lovely combination, i must say.
Cosmopolitan... it was refreshing!
Fellow course mates at the LSE...It was good company...a Dutch (Nico), Singaporean (me) and British (Soni)!
Good night, good bye for now...see you guys in school...Thank you for such a meaningful evening.