The Whimsical World of Argus

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I love pussies, i hate cocks

My love for pussies big and small have a profound effect on my life.... God only knows, perhaps i used to live among them. The bond between them and i transcends most boundaries. I love them to bits... whenever i see one, i will stop to let it come towards me and caress my legs...if i am on my way home, i might even stroke it.

I am very fair to kitties- big and small, cute and maybe not so cute, but i do have an inexplicable weakness for kitties with long tails...just like playing with their slender tails. Not to mention, the cute and round chesire like kitties with a long slender tail to boot....woah...just gets me hot under my collar!

Call me a catphile?

There you go kitties galore...... i will in future post more of such cute pussies. *winks*

Living thus far...

Hey peepz,

I am back! Its been awhile yet again, busy it has been for me in the last 2 months! I was basically bogged down with trying to finish up my information systems project and revision for my prelims.

It sure feels good to be able to sit back and start penning...urm, i mean typing down my thoughts. Well, nothing quite eventful happened thus far, life had been pretty mundane actually. I was basically busy with random stuff besides school. Not too long ago, i was given the task by my chief editor to cover some boy-gal relationship workshop organised by SDU specially for undergrads, the whole experience wasn't so bad even though it was my first time, and i went alone! But at the end of the insightful workshop i managed to make some new much for networking!

There are also many more things to look forward to, like; more dragonboat races; the earliest one would be this coming week on the 18 & 19 March, my diving course + dive trip to dayang; Malaysia, my church camp and of course my internship; hopefully, i can get the job i want (something that will add gloss to my resume).

What is looming ahead though are my final exams...urgh...but i guess after sitting for the prelims, i can say i am better prepared to tackle the finals. Not to mention, the UK lecturers will be flying into town to give us revison classes cum lectures, i sure am looking forward to that!

I promise to write more and consistently update this often than not neglected blog...

Labels: Business undergrad, dragonboater, Campus editor.....hope to add on to my collection of labels....haha.... for now, i am a student and doing my best in being one!

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