London: 16 July, 2007
It may have been belated, nevertheless, it was truly an awesome experience to be able to wine and dine with fabulous friends! Thank you Soni for making it all happen, and thank you different ones of you who graced the occasion. It was heart-warming...and I will not forget this beautiful experience in a long time to come.
It was an amazing experience...thank you all! You guys make life in such a beautiful city all the more pleasant! I am deeply greatful...

My biggest birthday prezzie...has to be an 'A' grade for my mid-term exam paper in International Political Economy IR 209. The results were released today, and it exceeded my expectation. I thank God!
After school today...I was given a huge surprise when my LSE course mates lured me to a fancy restaurant and suddenly everyone at the restaurant started singing me a birthday song...truly amazing!
Dinner was good, after which we had a cute caterpillar birthday cake which my mates bought. After everything, we adjourned to a neat little bar for some cocktail.
Then it was Home sweet Home!
What a whirlwind day it was....thank you Soni, you have been an amazing friend...All the best for our finals! Press on, we shall!

A toast to me!

The cosmopolitan gang of 8...China, Indonesia, America x2, Great Britain x2, Holland, and me Singapore!

Soni and I...You rock! Thanks for the fabulous surprise!

Me and my Tagitalle with King prawns...see my text book?

My cute little birthday cake of a baby caterpillar with M&Ms...

Me and my birthday cake, i could not bear to eat the baby caterpillar's head! White choc, amazing...but, i did not!

We had some nice white wine to go with pizza and pasta...lovely combination, i must say.

Cosmopolitan... it was refreshing!

Fellow course mates at the LSE...It was good company...a Dutch (Nico), Singaporean (me) and British (Soni)!
Good night, good bye for now...see you guys in school...Thank you for such a meaningful evening.
happy birthday! have a blessed year ahead :) sharon
Anonymous, at 1:46 AM
thanks Sharon...
really appreciate it!
You take care, and see you around when term starts!
VERNON, at 7:44 AM
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