The Whimsical World of Argus

Friday, February 18, 2005

Letting go is hard to do..but i must

I thought this is rather meaningful, hope to share this with one and all who stumble onto my blog...


To my friends who are still single…..
Love is like a butterfly,
The more u chase it,
The more it eludes u,
But if u just let it fly,
It will come to u when u least expect it,
Love can make u happy and often it hurts,
But love’s only special,
When u give it to someone who’s realli worth it,
So take your time n choose the best.

To my friends who are not so single…..
Love isn’t becoming someone else’s “perfect person”
its about finding someone
who helps u become the best person u can be

To my friends who are playboy/playgirl type….
Never say “I love u” if u don’t care
Never talk about feelings
If they aren’t really there
Never touch a life if u mean to break a heart
Never say u will if u don’t plan to start
Never look in the eye when all u do is lie
The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl
Is to let her fall in love
When he doesn’t intend to catch her fall
- and it works both ways……

To my friends who are married……….
Love is not about “its your fault”
But “I’m sorry”Not “where are you”
But “I’m right here”Not “how could you”
But “I understand”Not “I wish u were”
But “I’m thankful u r”

To my friends who are engaged……
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together
But how good u r for each other
To my friends who are heartbroken
Heartbreaks last as long as you want
And cut as deep as u allow them to go
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks
But to learn from them

To my friends who are naïve…..
How to be in love:
Fall but don’t stumble,
Be consistent but not too persistent,
Share and never be unfair,
Understand and try not to demand and get hurt,
But never keep the pain.

To my friends who are possessive……..
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else
But its more painful to know that the one u love is unhappy with u…

To my friends who are afraid to confess…..
Love hurts when u break up with someone
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with u
But love hurts the most when the person u love has no idea how you feel…

To my friends who are still holding on….
A sad thing about life is when u meet someone and fall in love
Only to find out in the end it was not meant to be
And that u have wasted years on someone who wasn’t worth it
If he wasn’t worth it now he’s not going to be worth it a year
Or 10 years from now

Let go…..

Just thought, i would help myself get over losing someone's heart. Its difficult, even though it has been many weeks now. But i gotta be strong, and i really do want to put a closure to this chapter of my life. I want to be happy again to pursue my dreams and passions. To live my life with a generous verve of energy. I cannot keep thinking about the grey areas and feel sad all over. I need to let go. Thankfully, i have friends whom i can count on to share my sadness with. They are truly genuine and encouraging. To my lost love, i hope to be your friend.

Cheers to a happy life ahead...

Friday, February 04, 2005

tasting familiarity

It sure feels good to be writing again... its been three long weeks since my last post. Well, call it a break of sorts, not that writing here is draining, but i just needed a breather after all that have come to pass. Honestly, i have more or less put what have come to pass behind me, its about letting go..something which is easily said than done. I guess, i just needed the courage and will to do so, especially with the help of friends as confidantes, i found myself easing up and just simply letting go to get on with life. No point agonising, not when it takes away my focus and saps me off my energy to do greater things.

There is always more to life than simply fretting. Well, the closure that i had hoped for wasn't there, but at least i know i had to get on with life. Life at this juncture sure holds more promises at least now that the shade of grey has more or less cleared up. There are so many things i want to accomplish, now that i am about to ORD. Opportunities abound, time is off the essence and should not be wasted on seemingly mundane things in the grander scale of things.

It sure feels good to be back...Heck, i am even inspired to pen this down...

Life is filled with plenty of undulating terrain which proves arduous to scale
inevitable as it is, we should put our best foot forward and scale
the heights with an unyielding spirit.

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