a day of unity and much blessings (Part 1)
What: My good friends' wedding (JW & Elaine)
Where: Church
JW and Elaine...my friends of 10 and 4 years respectively...literally watched them grow in love...
To JW:
It only seems like yesterday when I had to prepare for my O levels and I remember consulting you every Sunday at church about Biology and Chemistry (and other stuff as well; we were no geeks!); I was in Sec 4 and you, being 3 years older were by then serving our nation...and subsequently during my A levels, you offered me advice and passed me all your notes from your RJ days.....a big thank you, bro. And now...I know who I can go to for dental care.
To Elaine:
Got to know you when you first returned from undergraduate studies in the US of A through our dear friend kel; soon to be Dr. Lee..it is always nice chit-chatting with ya...and hearing about your girlish exploits in the States...and of cuz, our love for cats! You can count on me to babysit 'em should you be away! Indeed, you are a great match for my bro.
From today onwards, Dr. and Mrs JW Teo:
Here's wishing upon you God's blessings and grace on this very special day and the days ahead... Enjoy Hawaii!!!
I Will Be Here (By: Steven Curtis Chapman)
A beautiful song played during your wedding before Elaine walked down the aisle...