The Whimsical World of Argus

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Greatest Race on Earth

Dear fans,

It was a great experience volunteering at this year's Standard Chartered Marathon. There was much action, some candid moments, some really uplifting moments and also some heartrending moments. Nevertheless, being there in the heart of the action brought a new perspective; one that will stay with me long after the event.

Inasmuch as i wanted very much to run in this year's marathon; registration closed very early on, due to overwhelming response. Nevertheless, i still wanted to be part of this great event, hence, i jumped at the chance of volunteering as a race marshal, just so i could feel the pulse of the running community and do my part for the community. I am glad this experience paid off, and i went away feeling truly inspired. And i hope this positive vibe will follow through into the new year as i embark on a more disciplined lifestyle. And yes, i am planning to run the full marathon next year, hence, it pays to start training early.

I managed to carry out my role as a race marshal as professionally and dutifully as possible. On the side, i also managed to play the role of roving are some of the many clips and pictures i took while waiting for the first runner to pass the 36km mark of the route where i was stationed at.

Sit back and enjoy.....

In the beginning...

The runners coming thru....

This has been Vernon; race marshal cum reporter extraordinaire reporting live for

Race Marshal cum Reporter..........................My "survival kit"

Kenyan...Up and On!...................... Girl power; fastest woman behind...

Race marshal on wheels, cool!!..Momento from one of the fastest women

Friday, December 01, 2006

My say...

Transcript of the Good Morning Singapore Interview.

I would accompany my parents to the library when I was young, they would borrow some of the books I like to read. However, more often then not, the books that I get are gifts from them.我小时候经常和父母到图书馆去。父母也会让我借许多我喜欢看的书籍给我看。我有许多的故事书都是父母送给我的。

The library holds a special place in my heart; it is where I turn to as a place to satisfy my curiosity of things around me.图书馆在我的心里,有特别的意义。 是一个让我可以对身边的许多事物有更进一步的了解的地方。

The librarians are really sincere in helping me look for that ever elusive book. They would be very meticulous in helping me find the book.图书管理员都很热心助人。不管那本书有多难找,他们都会不辞劳苦,细心的帮我找到我要的书籍。

Generally, I will read books on politics and poetry. Two subjects close to my heart.我平常最喜欢看的书籍都是关于政治和诗词的, 两个我最感兴趣的课题。

We can encourage people; especially the young to read by having role models whom they can look up to and are inspired by.
我认为可以以名人作为榜样,经常看书,可以让国人,尤其是年轻人, 了解阅读的重要性,让他们也有所启发。

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