Classic pictorial 2; City-capers

city-capers standing at attention!

yes...yet another shot from the Benjamin Sheares bridge. This time for 'katong laksa' again, but on Deepavali 2004; another public holiday with my family.
As usual, the car i was in was travelling at about 90 km/hr. Thankfully, the image captured turned out more positive than i thought. I only had a split second to capture the image of the 3 'beauties' in one frame ( republic plaza, oub and uob towers; in that order). As it is, a lamp-post popped out of nowhere as i did not intend for it to be in that frame. However, the juxtaposition was special as it fell right into place almost in the middle of the image, cutting it in the centre; like a centre-fold of some photographic spread straddling two pages; one adjacent to the other. :)
This image appears a little fuzzy, this is attributable to the hazy weather(elemental), and of course shutter speed(car travelling too fast) (self-induced).
The Singapore river, now more prominent actually glistens under the bright sunny weather with bum-boats dotting the river. This adds flavour to the image. It reconciles even to the extent of celebrating the future (modern architecture), yet having a certain reverence for the historical past. Such a characteristically poignant fixation is a rarity these days.
The Singapore as we know of today screams uber chic in many ways...a fine example would be nation 04' which incidentally was a smash; it ganered best 'event experience' 04 from the Singapore Tourism Board. Truly happening. In fact, the juxtaposition of both old and new is invariably complementary.
To me the sky-line of the CBD (for the uninitiated; CBD=central business district) is sacred. It commands a certain aura of respectability that is unmatched anywhere else. Its corridors are enamoured with wealth and power, the engine of Singapore's growth, economic super-hub, regional powerhouse, financial district...yes, i truly am awed each time i pass the CBD.
A little snippet....(more so for aliens; read: non-singaporeans)
Singapore is a fine/ "fine" city filled with acronyms everywhere you go. Heck, its in our culture. You have things, like; PIE, TPE, CTE, ECP (expressways), SOC, SAFSA, OCS, SOCE (army), RGS, VS, SJI, YJC (schools) and the list goes on...... such is the plight of a young society trying to grasp a cultural foothole that is evidently missing, hence, we have to contend with such frivolous things to pre-occupy our minds. A tragedy? Not quite, we are striving relentlessly, so much of promise yet beuracratic red-tape is aplenty and authorities are uptight, always claiming that the majority of Singapore society is by-and-large conservative and not ready to accept anomalies. What a convenient excuse, right? you bet! (show me the stats, only time will tell)
**(heck, whats with the sudden rejection of a license to host snowball '04, by the PELU, sigh).
-PELU: public entertainment licensing; accorded by the Police.
But fret not, Singapore is happening! Singapore society and its cacophonous interjections are accidents(positive sense of the word) waiting to happen. A diamond in the rough. Filled with latent energy slowly brewing.
Come on and celebrate life; that is Singapore society.
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