the passages of time...

my card collection...

Greeting cards, encouragement cards, birthday name it i have it...heh..was just clearing my drawer, well, a spring cleaning of sorts, yar? Anyway, i do such things whenever i have the previledge of spending time at home. To my utter amazement..there's like a little treasure trove of sorts, of cards aplenty! Not that i hadn't known of that many cards i have before, but rather, putting everything out on the floor and picking up each and every card to read, just brought back many a pleasant memories. A sense of nostalgia gripped me, as i read the contents of some of the cards. Ha...sentimentalist at work here.
Well, the passages of time have not mellow in me some of the really wonderful thoughts i hold of certain events with people who have made my life so pleasant. In fact, such happy moments are still so vivid, as if they just happened moments gone by. When in reality, some of these events happened a couple of years back. Well, the sentamentalist that i am just cannot seem to forget those moments. And when i think of such events, the happy times, the wonderful company and all, i just get all teary-eyed. Ha.. Well, one can say its tears of joy perhaps of wonderful moments i have had, or even to the extent of missing such moments. If and only if i could turn back time, and perhaps relive such moments...well, that's only an if! And it also feels great to be able to get on with life. To move on and chart many more happy times ahead...yar?
Cheers to many more wonderful moments ahead..especially, with that special someone wink*... and of course to my friends, thanks for making it all happen. I thank God for each and everyone of you who have made life so colourful in each of your own little ways!
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